
Carla Greenwich

As someone curious about Islamic perspectives, I enjoy Zafar’s work. Ahmadi: A Different Kind of Muslim challenges stereotypical views on Islam and is an educational experience.

Asghar Khiljee

Kaleidoscopic Prism was fascinating. It made complex issues about Banglore history understandable and engaging.

Ashur Mathews

Reading this gave me a new perspective on Islam. Stranger and Foreigner insights on identity make me ponder on my religious and cultural roots.

David Carson

I love this inspiring story of dedication in the medical field. The mix of personal tales and history in Dhaka Medical College: Nostalgic Reminiscence is heart-touching.


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Zafar Sikder is a celebrated author and physician adept at blending faith, culture, and science in his works. Sikder provides narratives addressing modern challenges.
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